SWOT Analysis
While the Piedmont Triad has clearly defined strengths, our focus turns to our regional weaknesses and support efforts to address them and transition them to opportunities. A united effort to apply for funding and share resources to address the public transportation and broadband connectivity gap, is a must for our region. Additionally, providing greater support and outreach for K-12 education programs is critical for both quality of life and business growth. While financial and consulting support is currently being offered to entrepreneurs, growing that support and building a stronger ecosystem is essential to develop a robust and dynamic regional economy.

Opportunities to Fuel
- Regional Collaboration and Engagement with Developing a marketable brand
- Building an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem network to facilitate small business development, growth, and support
- Develop Accelerators, Incubators, and Multi-use spaces for start-up businesses
- Continue maintenance and capacity building of public utility infrastructure
- Recruitment of remote workers to the region
- Develop a unified mobility resource page of available resources across all geographic areas
- Increased educational funding for Apprenticeship and College Promise Programs
- Changing demographics and Increasing Diversity
- Continue investments in Aviation technology advancement and air mobility, biotechnology, healthcare, and public service
- Encourage an increase in capital access to minority-owned, women-owned, and veteran-owned businesses
Key Findings from our 2022 Regional CEDS Survey:
- 72% of CEDS public survey respondents agreed with the statement “Redevelopment should be a priority in my community.”