Summary Background
The Piedmont Triad Regional Development Corporation (PTRDC) is a designated Economic Development District (EDD) through the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA). The Regional Council promotes and catalyzes a collaborative and dynamic regional economy environment. The Piedmont Triad region encompasses 12 counties – Alamance, Caswell, Davidson, Davie, Forsyth, Guilford, Montgomery, Randolph, Rockingham, Stokes, Surry, and Yadkin. As the region’s EDD, the Piedmont Triad Regional Council is responsible for developing and maintaining a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) to stimulate economic growth, diversity, and sustainability.
The Piedmont Triad Regional Development Corporation team worked in partnership with various stakeholders to assess the region’s current economic status by distributing

public surveys, hosting community listening sessions, and seeking internal input to construct a strategy addressing key priorities, while building on existing assets to foster collaboration and achieve substantial results. Administering resources and engaging conversations with local communities and regional partners, while staying committed to all Piedmont Triad residents for the improvement of overall resiliency and acceptance, is the core vision.

The Piedmont Triad Region will be:
- More equitable, with opportunities for all backgrounds and underserved populations to experience an outstanding quality of life and chances to create generational wealth through competitive wages, superior public education, property and home ownership, entrepreneurial reassurance, and communitive support.
- More resilient, with increased capacity to endure economic and climatic shocks through a diversified, collaborative, and accommodating economy organized to address those most vulnerable. Proactive prevention and care with a focus on equity and environmental protection, warrants succession.
- More connected, with encouraging partnership development and participation to expand a regional brand for inclusive forward-thinking and upward economic mobility.
Our region is at a transitional state with the continuation of COVID-19 pandemic recovery efforts, while also developing a resilient, diverse, robustly connected regional economy enabling equitable generational wealth and well-being for everyone. Fostering collaboration and organizing a united alliance around our four region-specific goals and strategies is how this vision and mission will be obtained over the next five years. We eagerly encourage you to review and participate with our full CEDS plan to learn where the region is currently and the direction moving forward.
The Piedmont Triad Regional Council’s four CEDS goals are outlined below. Further exploration and supporting strategies are found throughout our CEDS plan, and will guide the reasoning and course of collective action for achievement.
Goal 1: Boost the Region’s Competitive Advantages and Leverage the Marketplace.
Goal 2: Establish and Modernize a Robust Regional Infrastructure.
Goal 3: Create and Connect Vibrant, Healthy, and Resilient Communities.
Goal 4: Develop and Retain Talented and Innovative Human Capital.